
Youth Towards Zero Food Waste Campaign 2024

Are you eager to make a significant impact in tackling global food waste? Here’s your chance! The Global Youth Hackathon on Food Waste is looking for young, innovative minds like yours to create real-world solutions that can drastically reduce food waste in communities around the globe.

How to Participate?

To apply for the Global Youth Hackathon on Food Waste, complete online application form ( by follow these steps:

  • Prepare Your Proposal: Develop a community-based solution to reduce food waste. Ensure your proposal is in English and outlines your approach and expected outcomes.
  • Submit Your Proposal: Use the official hackathon website to submit your detailed project proposal along with any required personal information.
  • Selection Process: Your proposal will be reviewed by experts from the World Food Forum (WFF), KidsforSDGs, and technical evaluators. The top 15 proposals will advance to the hackathon.
  • Mentorship: If selected, you’ll receive mentorship from food waste experts to refine your project before the hackathon.
  • Hackathon Participation: Present your project during the online hackathon to a panel of judges.
  • Revise and Resubmit: After the hackathon, refine your proposal based on feedback and submit a final version, including a budget.
  • Final Presentation: At the WFF event, finalists will present their innovative proposals to judges and an audience, competing for prizes ranging from USD 500 to 3500.



Rashna Rashid

"Hello, I'm Rashna Rashid, your dedicated mentor in the realm of scholarships. . With a background in Computer Science and a Master's in Project Management, I offer a unique blend of expertise to help aspiring scholars navigate the complexities of scholarship applications. Join me on this journey as we uncover opportunities, share insights, and turn your academic dreams into funded realities

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