If you’ve been looking for a high paying job opportunity that not only pays well but also lets you experience a new culture, then Poland is where you need to set your sights. The 2024 Poland Work VISA or work permit is going to be your golden ticket towards your new employment. But, wait up! It’s not as straightforward as you might think.
The Polish government, through its immigration department has set a clear mandate for Polish employers to first look towards their fellow countrymen when filling up their job positions. However, and this is where it gets interesting if those Polish employers can’t find skilled Polish workers for a particular job or Polish citizens with required skillset/experience are not available then those Polish employers are allowed by their immigration department to tap into the international talent pool from where they might pick you. That’s right! They can hire pros like you via Polish skilled worker visa!
Let’s dive into the world of jobs in Poland, shall we? I’ve got the scoop on which occupations are in high demand and which ones might have a surplus of workers. So, grab your cup of coffee and let’s get started!
List of Skill Shortage Occupations in Poland for Your Employment
Now, you might wonder, where exactly do fit into this equation of skill shortage and skill surplus jobs in Poland so for that i verified data from cedefop report and based on that here are my findings for you:
1# ICT Specialists: If you’re an IT wizard, Poland wants you! So, if you’ve got IT skills, this could be your chance to shine in Poland’s booming tech sector. Poland is on the hunt for ICT specialists like programmers, network administrators, and computer systems engineers and testers. You might ask why? There aren’t enough of them! And this is where you can take advantage because ICT industry employers in Poland are allowed to hire foreign qualified ICT workers.
#2 Healthcare Workers: Doctors, nurses, and midwives are also in short supply in the Polish healthcare sector. The main reason for this healthcare sector braindrain is the export of talented medical professionals moving out of Poland due to higher salaries of other countries’s private healthcare providers. It’s estimated that Poland is short of around 25 thousand specialist doctors and this is why Polish government is allowing Internationally Educated Healthcare Professionals (IEHPs) to find jobs in Poland.
3# Managers: Poland is also in need of experienced and skilled managers across various industries. Whether you’re a natural leader or have experience in management, this could be a golden opportunity for you to look for a managerial-level job in Poland because just recently immigration department of Poland allowed employers to hire experienced/qualified managers. The demand is high, but the supply of skilled managers isn’t keeping up. So, brush up on your CV and mention all of your managerial skills/experiences, and look for jobs in Poland since you could find yourself in high demand.
#4 Science and Engineering Professionals: Now let me give this good news to engineers, because Poland is also looking for capture qualified engineers, especially in areas like manufacturing, civil sector, and operations. So, if you’re technically inclined, qualified, and have English language proficiency then consider exploring opportunities in engineering field in Poland.
5# Skilled Manual Workers: If you’re skilled in trades like welding, fitting, or mechanics then you must be happy to know that Poland could be calling your name as well because there’s a shortage of skilled manual workers, and it’s partly due to a lack of robust training programs in Poland. If you’ve got these skills, there’s potential for you to thrive in Poland’s job market.
6# Teaching Professionals: If you’re in the teaching world then there are career opportunities waiting for you in Poland too. Whether you’re a school teacher, researcher, university professor or a coach/trainer, you might find new job openings in Poland with work visa sponsorship.
#7 Other Shortage Occupations: Handyman workers, welders, chefs, financial auditors, engineers, doctors, surgeons, nursing staff, anesthesiologists, agricultural workers, turners, fitters, forklift operators, porters, and drivers are also in high demand in Poland with market indicators pointing to new job opportunities for which employers in Poland are given green signal to hire foreign skilled workers for these professions with Polish work visa sponsorship.
Surplus Occupations in Poland 2023-2024:
(You won’t get job in Poland for these professions )
On the flip side, some occupations have an oversupply of workers in Poland due to which Poland is exporting such talent to other countries where professionals in those occupations are needed and this is why you will not get a job in Poland if your profession is already considered as a surplus one there. These include handicraft and printing workers, forestry and fishery experts, and more.
English proficiency Required for Poland Jobs and Work VISA
Do you feel a connection with any of these skill shortage job occupations in Poland? Don’t second-guess! Jump on these job opportunities straigh away via different Polish job platforms, and trust me, you might just find yourself packing bags for Poland sooner than you think! And now lets get an idea about if you need IELTS to apply for jobs and work visa of Poland of not.
1# IELTS Requirement for Job Applications in Poland:
Alright, f you’ve got your eyes set on Poland for your next employment then one of the first things you might be wondering about is the IELTS requirement to apply for jobs there. Well, fact would be a bit of a mixed bag because IELTS is not needed technically for Polish work visa but might be requried for your job application as per employer’s demand.
While many international companies in Poland might ask for an IELTS score as proof of your English fluency whereas some employers would not bother you for it. But, a word to the wise, it’s always good to have an IELTS score of anything above 6.5 Bands in your pocket and now you can also improve your IELTS score with IELTS one skill retake program.
2# IELTS Requirement for Poland Work Visa:
If you’re thinking the Polish Work Visa will ask for your IELTS score, let me put your mind at ease because the Polish Work Visa process doesn’t mandatorily require an IELTS score.
List of 5 Verified Websites to Find Jobs in Poland in 2024
here are five platforms where you can look for government and private jobs in Poland:
- Pracuj.pl
- GazetaPraca.pl
- Monster.pl
- ePraca.pl
How much income Tax you would be paying for working in Poland?
Money matters, right? Especially when you’re about to embark on a new journey in a foreign land. So, let’s talk about the income tax scene in Poland. If you will start working in Poland then your earnings will be subjected to the Polish tax system. Now, without getting too bogged down with complex tax jargon, here’s a simple breakdown:
- If your salary is up to PLN 85,528 – Then income tax rate would be 17%. Not too shabby, right?
- But if you are making over PLN 85,528 – then your tax bill would rises a bit to 32% (Ref)
But hang on, don’t get too worried about those numbers. Poland has double taxation treaties with many countries, which means you might be able to get some tax relief based on your home country. So, always be sure to consult with a tax advisor to know exactly where you stand (Ref).
Good Morning, i want to work in Poland
Im interested to work in Poland I’m a chef + driver +paint +waiter kitchen helper any job i can do